Thursday, August 25, 2005


i'm so miserable. my throat's parched, my eyes burn, my nose is very much like a leaking pipe, and my cough sounds like that of a lion choking on a zulu man's head. just when i thought things cant get any worse, i got slapped in my hiney with a post-it which read "IT WILL" in big, bold letters. readying for a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the nose, in the hopes of letting it out in full force AND only to reach a faint sniffle(!?!) is utter TORMENT! not that i feel much but it's the worst physical sensation i've ever felt! next to that is having to swallow a large-volume of congested phlegm in my mouth.. arrrrrrr.. help. *gulp*

Monday, August 15, 2005

finish your papers

look at the universe and take out a slice. yes, you're still an inconsequential part of that chunk of matter. think for a moment and detach yourself from the whole. see yourself in a non-pluralized level. grow bigger than the space given you. gestaltism doesn't work.
the only thing stopping you now from superceding the universe are your pesky assignments. tiny steps boy, steady steps.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

yo sai


ethereal visage
deep scarlet eyes
delicate lifeless hands
fangs of ivory

cast your spell
enthrall me
hold me
bite me
let me live eternal under the dark of night.

please. your kiss is all it takes to lead me to damnation.