Monday, January 30, 2006


Friday - rhede and cousins

* First time in days that I went on a night out. To start off, Pulah treated me to dinner at Zoey's. It was very startling - I can't even remember the last time she offered to do that! But who would ever pass up a free meal right? I don't know bout you but I sure won't. Hehehehe... but really it came with good reason - it was her birthday on the 23rd and Friday’s the only feasible date to celebrate it with me. So i ordered garden salad while she went with seafood noodles and blueberry cheesecake, with my recommendation of course. even though we were quite full, she ordered fish and fries after our initial feast just for the heck of it... and maybe with a "bit" of prodding on my part. *evil grin* a live acoustic band was playing so we lounged a bit and cracked silly jokes until we found ourselves wanting to move out due to the constant flow of mushy songs. We landed on the hill where we caught up on our life stories and took pictures to show to our "other" friend. It would've gone longer but she had her curfew and i had an intense need to use a portalet or whatever. Hahay... I dropped her home and I sped to my aunt's place to use their CR.
* Later that night, I watched a band competition with my cousins till 12mn. My three other cousins, Tot, King, and Kating were playing with their respective bands. They rocked the place with powerful and upbeat tunes. Cheers to my talented cousins! Next to them, my inability to excel in music is greatly magnified. Leche! :D The night was culminated in a bar with lots of people ready for some action. hehehe... but we're all good boys and girls so nothing horrifyingly obscene happened in our circle. We didn't even order any alcoholic drinks! Yahoo!
* Went home and slept at 5am.

Saturday - 3 bottles of tandu Jr.

* I didn’t get much sleep because my ate woke me up around 10am, which only meant 5 hours of sleep. We usually go to Cagayan de Oro during weekends - this was one of those days. When we got to Ketkai, I rushed to check up on the new RPG games available - I ended up buying Wild ARMs 4. geeeeez... out of all the RPGs I ever bought, the only ones I've finished are those of the final fantasy series. There are loads of other games I have yet to finish and this latest addition is bound to be another one of those. Hehe... also, I had Lu's gift refilled. Yey! But I think the saleslady broke it. Boo! With nothing much to do, I watched Zathura, one of those movies worth getting slept at - and I did, for a good 15 minutes.
* Tried out this new restaurant called KIS (Kambingan, Isdaan, Sisigan).
* Later, I went out with a cousin dying to go clubbing after a week-long voluntary probation (very much like my self-imposed curfew of 9pm). My cousin Lowe’s (who just went back to Cebu) boo whose birthday was on the following day, also came along. We gave her a pre-birthday bash at this club where we danced (just to let the sweat out) and drank (2 bottles of Tandu Jr. Ehe). People were getting freaky on top of their tables and the crowd got worked up with the not-so-female ledge dancers putting on a show, if you know what I mean. Ehe... but what's really weird was that approximately half of the population was composed of HS students. Sheesh, kids these days. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
* Right after, we moved to this station where we continued our drinking session (one more Tandu) and spent what's left of the early morn talking. Hahay... I don’t want to go on with the specifics but it was consumed by mushy talk. *cringes* last Tandu down and everything just flowed out for the both of them while I remained the spectator. From their conversation - it’s clear that the L word IS suicide. *LOL* but the lesson of the story - we will always have our true friends (cousins included) to crawl back to when nothings going right. And in two hours time, we were all feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Awwwwwww... please, can somebody strangle me? Anyone?
* Got home and slept at about 4:30am.

Sunday - hunting hidden books

* We went to church around 11am. I hadn't been to church in weeks; I still need to pay Him back with my spiritual shortcomings... BIG TIME.
* We then moved on to lunch. Instead of heading straight to fast food chains, the "elders" chose not to and suggested we check out what's cooking in the food court. Food there was cheap compared to other mall-restos so we had many options. I had a filling lunch of Pinoy cuisine - Bicol express, kare kare, dinugu-an/sampayna, etc. Lami...
* Like the day before, I ended up watching a movie - with Narnia and Zathura already in my seen list, and the third movie having this forgettable quality to it (its title I couldn't even remember. see? it is forgettable!), In Her Shoes was the only option. the movie had a light-hearted feel to it. the only thing I found remotely interesting was the first poem Cameron's character (dyslexic btw) read to the retired professor. I think it was One Art by Elizabeth Bishop - nice.
* After the film, I finally bought the books I’ve been eyeing since October! I was ecstatic to find them still; in the exact shelves I hid them. *evil laugh*
1. Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami
2. Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
3. The Sandman - Book of Dreams by Neil Gaiman
4. Lirael by Garth Nix
I was like a child working his way through a toy store. I would've wanted to buy the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami) and Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golden) but I was out of budget. Darn it! And because I feared natio will run out of those copies the next time I get back, I tucked them in inconspicuous nooks of different shelves. I hope nobody will come across my super secret hiding place *crosses fingers* hehehehehehe...
* We went back HOME. I was too tired to go out. Waited for drowsiness to seep in. slept at 1am. hehehe... good boy. :D

Monday - the present

* Here I am in front of a computer, blogging and hoping that today wont be exactly the same as every other day. It’s a good thing that I have new friends whose stories I am very much eager to hear. They should keep me from worrying about Mundania for a week or so. And now that my fingers are too tired to go on typing, I'm off to page 152… Please Sumire, amuse me.

Monday, January 23, 2006

what's a good title for this one?

i was damn pissed last night! the house was full of people hanging around to watch the pacquiao fight (delayed telecast) and even extended their stay till evening to witness the new grand champion of star in a million! plus my cousins were making so much ruckus with the videogames! i needed space, and lots of it! arrrrrrrr... God knows how much i detest noise and guests who stay longer than expected! but most importantly, i lost my unopened pack of cigarettes and somebody jammed a pellet of mentos powergum in my lighter! imagine that! whoevere's behind it must be really wicked to play a mean trick like that. shame on you whoever you are!

steaming with anger, i hastily went out without even having dinner. and to think the main course was afritada! *lami* but i was too irked to eat just then. i drove around a bit and texted my friends (using my father's phone. hehe) if they wanted to hang out. none of them replied! my temper reached new heights until finally i got an unexpected text from maya (unexpected because she rarely asks to hang-out with me) - she wanted to chill with a few of her friends, after eating that is. i had no other option so i zoned in on manuelito's bbq house where they were eating. when i got there, i realized that i only had forty pesos on me... not much to warrant a hearty meal of isaw/chicken bbq/longganisa/rice and a pack of cigarettes. well, i chose to buy myself the cig (stupid no? hehehe) to make up for the pack i lost. still, P40 wasnt enough but i assured myself that i could borrow money from them later. so i sat there, watching and waiting until they were full. moving on, we headed straight to starmart. they ordered the usual, tanduay and sprite. demn! i wanted to drink but chose not to in the end coz the stolen pack continued to haunt me. unable to hold it any longer, i asked if they could lend me P32 (desperate times bring desperate measures) but they were all empty, that they spent it on the alcohol already.. how embarassing! frustrated, i dug around my messenger bag and discovered plenty of one peso coins, which i managed to store the past week. the coins amounted to P37, add to that the P40 in my wallet and i ultimately ended up having P77 - just enough to buy ANOTHER pack with P5 to spare. GLORY! so i headed straight for the counter and got what i planned on getting and left them in their tandu session for some alone-time.

if there's one place that could clear up my clouded mind, it would've to be THE hill. i just wanted to sit there and enjoy the view ALONE. but when i got there, several people were around so i just had to compromise. i decided on a distant bench where i sat by myself, while the other benches were occupied by a group of three friends, a 30 sumthing couple, and a family of 5! how sad can this picture get!? i was the odd person out, puffing one stick after another.. they must've thought i was weird - a loner! well they're actually right. *ehe* and to make it worse, the couple had a cassette with them and my classmates' sembreak song was playing! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrr.. torment!

after several sticks, i finally found my happy place... THE hill has always been the antidote for my melancholic episodes, ALWAYS. there's nothing magical about it really... it overlooks the city, there's an old mango tree with glowing fruit thingies (some are burnt out btw), mini-lamp posts, concrete and steel benches, a murky fountain, blahblahblah... but it has been the focal point for many of my fondest memories.. must be why i find peace there... because it connects me to those meaningful days of past. toink!

after an ample dose of clarity, i went back home early - 9pm! in metro standards, that's way too early. hahay... but i felt better so i found no other reason to stay longer... back home, i finally acknowledged my stomach's protest so i ordered two donuts and two bunwiches (tuna AND ham and cheese). what joy! i was feeling much much better with my hunger sated when surprise of all surprises, mega called to check up on me! awwwww... that (and some other things i forgot) just made my day. then i slept happy.

all that fuss over a pack of cigarettes. sheesh! who's the petty one now? me. urk.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

this is old

What makes a man so weak that he leads himself into his own undoing? Where can one find the power to keep everything on his calloussed palm? Whose hand plays the most critical role in spinning our life-thread?

Excuse the silly queries of one who's being swallowed by the ebb of maturity. Allow me to play along with life's drama and have me pretend that all is in its proper place.

I do not wish to disturb you with these words full of odious density but if thats the case then let me leave you with this... dont u ever dream of going back in time when everything was simple and anything that comes with "complex" wasn't even in your faintest interests? Back to being children - all fun and games. *hohum*

Mapping out one's life isn't the easiest thing to work out and getting to where you're supposed to be going is just as frustrating, more even. I guess reaching that state of happiness, true and genuine happiness, one that transcends and overshadows the problems that constantly pervade my lifespace, is the most pressing issue I have right now.

These fragmented thoughts will become whole sooner or later, held together with the strongest super glue I can find, that I'm sure of. Be it a person, a cause, an experience, or what have you...

It will come when it will come, that's what I keep telling myself. Hahay...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

mumblings on a gray thursday

somehow, you managed to disarm me.

but i won't let you take that open blow.

now nobody wins,

until you give me a good reason to take a plunge.

and when that time comes...

even if ill make the sloppiest dive,

i'd still think i won the gold.

not that i'll ever qualify.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

too funny

The Bottom Line

Romance is on your mind today -- someone is thinking about you and you can feel it.

In Detail

You want to travel so badly that if you could, you'd be in a cab on your way to the airport right now, passport in hand. If duty calls, however -- especially if it calls loudly enough to keep you off that plane (or out of that car) -- your sense of responsibility will kick in. In that case, the least you can do is to treat yourself to the company of someone new and exotic.

bwahahahahaha... i hope u get to read this babe coz it's hella funny! but i dont think this'll ever work on you coz you're fine with games, aren't you?

who's your chew toy now virgin?

hahahaha... when will that glorious day come when you'll throw away your schemes and dirty plots for that one person who'll sweep you off to mars?

karma, baby... just you wait. it'll be your turn, sooner or later.


Monday, January 09, 2006

this just in

i have a new addiction: biting through headphone chords, the rubbery keypads on remote controls, erasers, and various other gummy objects. just about anything to sink my teeth into. hahay... the things i "discover" when i'm idle.

come on 2006! it's been a slow start... throw me a hurricane that'll lift me to every black balloon that needs popping.

ill go look for a suitable pin now. nyeh?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

virgohoro 010806

The Bottom Line

Express your ideas without hoping the other person approves. You know you're right.

In Detail

The urge to say exactly what's on your mind has hit, thanks to a new friend who's nothing if not strongly opinionated. The more you associate with them, the more you can expect some rather odd and coincidental occurrences over the course of the day. Feeling as you do, it's also a given that what you'll be saying will be a bit over the top -- especially to those who aren't used to seeing you in this condition. Don't even try to hold anything back, though. It's your turn to vent. Big time. They'll get over it.

uy, this is a better horoscope compared to the previous ones. no word of partners. blech! watch out. hihihihihi *evil grin*

Friday, January 06, 2006


The Bottom Line

Good nutrition improves your brain power. Investigate ways to improve your health.

In Detail

If anyone is famous for loving secrets -- well, yes, it's definitely you. That goes for most, if not all circumstances. At the moment, conducting an intensive investigation at work will be even more appealing to you, and the nature of the issue won't matter at all. The point is that your curiosity will be running on high and your detective side will emerge -- big time. Just be sure that no one who may be responsible gets wind of what you've uncovered.

investigate ways to improve health daw! the truth has come out, your cover is blown you stalker! nyahahahaha... this sums up your 2005 horoscope, more or less. funny.

erm... grandmaster stalker, i have a favor to ask of you... *evil grin* ;P

Thursday, January 05, 2006

thanks pussy princess

ill make u bleed the best way i know how, bitch. trickle, trickle, spill, and curdle, just you wait.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

what if...

it was just you and me, with our hushed tones. and yes, the probing wind who hastily freed our secrets to sleeping trees and crickets busy playing music. despite the charcoal sky's constant stirring, we lingered, only to lend our ears and our hearts. even with the citrus-smoke and the riotous rustling of shrews, everything fell under unanimity for us.

peering over resplendent lights with you on that hill, that's how it was, how it should be. thank you for making me wish that time would stop on fancied moments...

listen, how strange the sound.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

a taste

glazed with melancholy
seasoned with euphoria
fruit of olympus
i crave for you

my hands are trembling
my mouth is eager
my thoughts are racing
my heart burns

dip me in ecstasy
flavor me with your bitter-sweetness
color my soul
make me sore

free from doubt
bound to anticipation
even if it conquers me
i am ready

take me high
and throw me back down
falling wont count for much
i will float, we'll see

gods, i implore you
fulfill my desire
harrass me with your might
i will persist until the cold takes me

for now, i can only imagine
with parted lips i shall greet you
you who they call ambrosia

curl your fingers round my naked tongue
embrace me with heaven's flavor

all i ask is just a taste