Tuesday, February 27, 2007

mr. chips

1 little, 2 little, 3 little blinking lights...

when lo and behold a shooting star streaked past. now, you don't see those too often! was i merely imagining things? no matter, i made a wish, one i've been keeping for so long. they say wishes are best left for children who still believe in dreams coming true, for hopeless hopefuls waiting on better days, lovers wanting their own happy ever after and so on. you can call me cheesy but there's no harm in trying, right? :P

i've wished for this on my birthday, christmas eve, new year, chain mails, fortune telling, card games, what have you... only this time, i feel differently, much stronger of it coming true because it was whispered on a shooting star when the night sky was nothing but stellar.

i will wait for you but please come soon... :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

hahay, hay, hohum, etc.

dear blog,

i had another one of those dreadful nights when i ended up thinking of how ill-fated i am. sad, i know. it was good that my internet connection went crappy else i would've fed my sappy mood with PEYUPS' tragic *cough*love*cough* stories. right when i got cut off, 12am, somebody invited me for a little chit chat. and for the lack of better things to do, i went out (SNEAKED out was more like it) and headed to this hard metal rock concert or whatever you call it. ugh... definitely not my thing. it was strange how everybody stared at me when i got there. were they checking me out? NO. i was the only one in white in a sea of black. it just wasn't one of those normal days when i'd predictably wear black. anyway on with my story, seeing gian was worthwhile despite the constant shrieking/singing in the backgroud. catching up with a long time friend is always refreshing. we reminisced about high school and shared college experiences. it was funny how both of us intentionally veered away from talking about future plans. i guess we're still unsure of what's ahead of us. "let's leave it to the wind!" we both cheered. it's good to know that i'm not the only one on the "devil may care" boat. :D we said our goodbyes at 4am and so i sped off feeling better when i hit a pothole at 80 km/h. that would've been my nth motorcycle accident. thank you Lord for keeping me safe!

i had a really swell time but at the end of it all there's still that nagging thought that something's not right. it just isn't. something's missing. oh well, it's 6am and i should be off to bed. i'll have enough time to figure it out whence i wake up.

hahay... the more that i wait, the more time that i waste.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

virgohoro 02/13/07

The Bottom Line

Today, push things into a decidedly more romantic realm. It's up to you.

In Detail

If things have been getting silly instead of serious between you and another person, today is the day to push things into a decidedly more romantic realm. If you want things to grow, you will have to nurture them. Surround yourself with candlelight, soft music and exotic fragrances -- and dress in an outfit that you know will get you noticed. Create a comfortable situation that is conducive to talking about your feelings and talking about where to go next.


romantic my arse. put me up next for the firing squad. pffft...