Thursday, May 24, 2007

the tag game

Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged needs to write an entry of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

15 weird things/habits/little known facts about ME!

1. i have a morbid fear of roaches! cockroachaphobia! is there such a term? wehehehe
2. i have a huge collection of rpg games but i've only finished 3 of them, namely, final fantasy - 8, 10, and 12.
3. i haven't witnessed a sunrise for almost 2 years now.
4. i am the first (self-proclaimed) 'emo.' my HS classmates dubbed me that for some unknown reasons. hehehe...
5. i really want to have a pet horse so that i can ride it ala geronimo! grrrr... and a ranch. hehehe
6. i can't remember birthdays! good thing cellphones/social networking sites feature birthday reminders! :P
7. i'm a hypocrite. ahehe
8. i easily get fed up with a LOT of things.
9. the first movie that scared the shit out of me was ju-on. damn glorietta's CRs for having speakers installed in em!
10. i am NOT fond of kids.
11. i can't get enough of my sassy girl. watched it for 8+ times already.
12. i cried over land before time 1.
13. i had a pet monkey (muymuy) but i gave it back to my gramps. its dead now.
14. back in my younger years.. i was offered to star (or extra?) in a commercial. wahahaha..
15. i've never bought a single clothing item for myself, everrrrr...

i don't know anybody who'd want to play. i guess it ends here. :(

Sunday, May 20, 2007

virgohoro 5/20/07

The Bottom Line

Be clearer about what you can do for the people who are asking for your help.

In Detail

It's time for you to be clearer about what you can (and cannot) do for the people in your life who are asking for your help. This applies to both your personal and business life, but it's much more relevant to work right now. Some people might be asking you to do things that they have plenty of time to do themselves. You always assume the best of people, but not everyone deserves this generosity.


aha! tumpak! tis all! :P

Thursday, May 17, 2007

somebody give me a kitkat

i don't know why i waste my time. i'm putting myself through so much strain than i need to be. many things have been spoken, more so are left undone.

while its one thing to be compassionate and another to be indulgent, i never saw the difference then. now i know it all too well.

i just want to save the world but i'm snowed under.

Friday, May 11, 2007

so and so

it has been an extremely monotonous 2 weeks for me. first half of my day (which often starts at 2pm) was spent in front of the computer. and the second half's when i go out with my cousins/friends to grab a snack, drink coffee, down a beer or something. that's how it usually went, for 2 weeks straight! bummer!

first off, i've been watching movies/shows/animes over this wonderful site 8+ hours a day! you name it, they have it... at least a lot of the good ones, from the most recent down to the obscure. my number one pick for unheard of animes is basilisk! it tells a bit of history on how japan employed ninjas in deciding their shogun. now i won't spill more details but if you're a ninja freak like me then it'll definitely work for you. as far as shows are concerned, i have consumed all heroes and ugly betty episodes there are to find. for me to be watching heroes is predictable considering my lifelong fascination with super powered characters but what's amazing is how ugly betty kept me glued. it could be in the way she stays true to herself when the 'real' world clearly wants to spit her back out. or maybe its in how she's easily identifiable with a large population of the very 'regular' kind, me included. :P and there's also that deep wanting to see her turn from ugly to pretty. those are several things that give the show a subtle charm, making it a must-see series. also, betty looks and acts a lot like my HS classmate so that's an added bonus! i bet you're thinking that i'm not so hooked to this huh? :P

i've been out and about past 10pm and constant chillin' has never been more tedious. hanging around with my friends and cousins was something i usually looked forward to, now it has become so predictable that it feels more like work and less like fun. it's not that i don't enjoy their company but seeing the same faces night after night makes me want to gag. they are the greatest people i could have around, it's just that i need a break... even for a day. i am desperately needing some alone time but saying no to these guys is like committing the gravest crime punishable by life sentence. what to do? what to do? especially when i'm low on cash and i have currently been reinstated as the 'counselor.'

*before i go on, i should warn you that this is the part where i'll ego trip for a wee bit :P* being the contemplative (uyyy.. feeler) and nosy person that i am its no surprise that i have become the proverbial shoulder to cry on, listening ear, love doctor, keeper of secrets or whatchamacallit. it's not that i mind... i really dont coz i find great honor in having their full trust... but as of late they've all been spilling their love problems on me, all in one go! wahh.. what is it about summer and its mean spell on romantic relationships? tsk tsk tsk... i can't say i give the best advice coz i can be pretty harsh. also, i'm not the most experienced person in the L department and yet they take my word for it... or do they really?! hehehe... maybe i'm just lucky my friends are gullible enough to believe in my supposed wisdom :P *end!* but when i do get tired of their whining i will have to convince them to have their problems solved straight from the love calculator! nyahahaha

and for those of you who follow this blog, you might notice that i have changed the template. for those of you who don't, it wouldn't mean a world of difference now would it? :P the new banner didn't work well with the previous template so i am forced to utilize one of blogger's presets until i find the time to fully renovate this. btw, the wonderful banner you see above is all thanks to arielski. if you wish to have one made just visit his site. *i will be receiving an incentive for the free advertise* :P

anyway, i admire you for getting this far in my pointless entry. it just goes to show how bored you are. :P i'll try to talk about something more relevant next time but until then let me leave you with something i found hilarious. just click on the image to get a clearer view. guess what i got :P