Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Here you are again.
I can feel you breath down my neck.
Whispering her name while whistling those killer melodies.
You give me a face of an angel like you once had.
And I am nothing but a creature of habit running away in circles,

But I was found by this person that flew me up high.
Now I see clearly, I'm telling you to let go of me.

Now that I've found my way back home, where I belong.
No longer a slave running away in circles
because I've been found by this person, who flew me high.

Get out of my head.
Get out of my soul.
Get out my dreams.
Get out of my house.
Get out of my life.

Get out. Get out. Get out. (Repeat)
No longer a slave…

No longer a slave running away in circles
because I've been found by this person, who flew me high. (repeat)

~In love with the words that form out the feeling . . .

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