Thursday, October 04, 2007

of daemons and friggin companies

so i got this from the golden compass' official site and it had me thinking, wouldn't it be really cool to actually have your own daemon? it sounds something like pokemon but unlike ash's motto where 'you gotta catch em all,' in golden compass' universe, each of these creatures are bound to their respective masters. so what exactly is a daemon? well according to the guide its the soul of each individual human being embodied in an animal familiar. In childhood, a daemon alters its form to reflect the ever-changing nature of children. In adulthood, it assumes a permanent form that best reflects the inner nature of its human.

i'm not exactly sure why i'm so worked up about all this but the thought of having a talking pet/familiar intrigues me... they'll really come in handy during those sleepless nights when you desperately need someone to talk to. and who better to converse with than the very embodiment of your soul right? i wish i had my very own daemon, in the form of a tiger or a lion so i can have it terrorize my enemies. *blank stare* there i go again, fantasizing. enough.

now, let me get to something thats more in touch with real life. real being harsh, dull, monotonous, and what have you. so i never got a call or email from that-friggin'-company. nada! last i heard from them was last week when they told me they'll contact me anytime this week but it's almost friday and there's still no word from them. no nothing! i think i kept my hope up for far too long its time to move on, right? moving on... just like with many other things in my life. live and let go. arrrrr... i dont want to turn this into cheese-fest. :P here's my stop. to better days! cheers!

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