Monday, March 28, 2005


to A:

you are a mystery to me and I to you, complete strangers to one another. but at the back of my mind, I can feel your stare. you have piqued my interest yet i know it's best to leave things as they are. deadlocked by distance, restrained by doubt. for what it's worth, let it remain etched in the midnight sky among stars. you may not see it my way... but i hope you comprehend.

i am left in the middle. and i opt to stay that way. regret is imperative but i only wish to save you from my frustrations. i would be lying if i said i had no intentions of gving it a shot, and in truth i want to try but trying might only push me deeper into hopelessness. i pray that the fates be good to you and that you might fare better than i have.

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